Video Teachings with Ministry

Our lives are filled with messy things from our past; pain we recognize, hidden pain from things we don't consciously remember; traumatic events we experienced and we still cary the shock or fear from them; emotional wounding from broken relationships; neglect, abuse, betrayal; disappointments we recognize and others that have remained hidden from our cognitive meory. And one that had the most profound affect on our lives (and that most people don't even recognize as hugely signivicant) is the time we spent in the womb. Everything we expereinced--either in a 'freindly' womb or an 'unfriendly' womb, caused us to form our earliest, and most foundational, beliefs about self, others, and life. Those are the deep, and often hidden beliefs, through which we live life.

My teachings are ones that speak to our wounded issues and how they have impacted our lives and they also include extensive healing prayers and blessings that will empower you to walk in more spiritual freedom. 

The passion of my heart and focus of ministry is to empower you to live in spiritual freedom so you can be all that God has planned and craeted you to be and do; woundedness hinders that growth and ability, The most exhilarating part of our spiritual journey with God is when we are walking in our birthright...that which God had destined for us before we were born.

I will be adding more video teachings on topics that are relevant in our daily lives. The theme of Blessing Your Life Mnistry is Empowering Christians to Live in Freedom and the teachings and prayer ministry in the videos can be instrumental in equipping you in your spiritual journey to wholeness.

You can access the videos through my utube channel. Sue Holsinger 


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