About Sue & Ministry

Who I Am:

I’m Sue Holsinger, the Founder and President of Blessing Your Life Ministry. I’m a Prayer Minister, Teacher, and Writer who is called by God to bless and minister to the deep inner needs within hurting people and to empower them to live in freedom.  

I believe in Father God, Jesus the Son who is our Savior, and the personhood of the Holy Spirit; and I believe God’s full plan of Salvation which includes healing for our deep emotional wounds.

My gifting, calling, and anointing is stated in my life scripture in Luke 4:18-19 – “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”  

The passion of my heart is to minister the healing and freedom that Jesus offers to those emotionally struggling as a result of hurtful, damaging, and traumatic life experiences. I’m also passionate about speaking blessings of legitimacy and identity so their deepest wounded self-beliefs are transformed by receiving the Word of God in the most important part of their whole being—their human spirit. 

I love ministering the healing of Jesus to people who've been in what I refer to as an "Unfriendly" womb. Our hurtful womb experiences have a PROFOUND influence in our lives, because the womb is where we established our deepest beliefs about self, others, and life—and those beliefs continue to be our identity until God intervenes in some way to bring healing and transforms ungodly beliefs to ones that are in agreement with His Word. I’m so grateful that blessing ministry is significant in that transformation. My second favorite ministry is to our human spirit, speaking blessings that nurture and strengthen the most important part of our whole being.


My Healing and Ministry Journey:

I’ve been a Christian since accepting Jesus as my Savior and Lord at age 12. For 25+ years I was the average faithful Christian who loved and served God and His people to the best of my abilities. I, like many Christians, sensed a destiny or call of God on my life but had no idea what it was, no clue as to how to discover what it might be, or how it could happen. As I began to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in my early 40s, my Christian and personal life began a spiritual journey that continues and includes healing from hurtful, harmful, and traumatic womb and childhood experiences that have allowed me to live in freedom from that pain and bondage—totally changing my life.

I have experienced firsthand what it is to be broken and then healed; to be severely fractured and then restored; to be fearful and now secure; to be very angry inside and now at peace—and now, I’m experiencing the joy and excitement of walking in my God-given authority, spiritual identity, legitimacy, destiny, and my birthright from God.


Blessing Your Life Ministry Focus:

BYLM is a Christian teaching and inner healing ministry that “Empowers Christians to Live in Freedom” through Jesus’ death and resurrection—and the power of His name and Blood. That is accomplished through detailed teaching about how our painful, disappointing, and traumatic life experiences (beginning in the womb) cause us to form ungodly self-beliefs, and then how those negative beliefs have impacted our lives. The teachings are followed by ministering healing prayers and blessings.

BYLM has grown over the past 30+ years from my being a Sunday School teacher and Superintendant and Vacation Bible School teacher and Director; to developing and conducting an afterschool J.O.Y. Club for gradeschoolers; to teaching and ministering in churches; to developing and conducting Refreshing Women’s Retreats; to developing and teaching Spirit Foundation Classes; to developing and conducting Blessing Retreats and Overcoming Loss Seminars; and writing many booklets and one published book, and teaching videos. Since the beginning of the pandemic shutdowns, I've taught and ministered through individual and group Zoom meetings. My blessing ministry project [God's Heart for Special People] is now available in the Store. It ministers to the deep emotional needs in Special Need Individuals--the wonderful thing about blessings, is they are very effective for all who receive them...not just those with special needs. I have several Zoom teaching and ministry classes titled, Spiritual Sons & Daughters. These are exciting times in God!

BYLM is linked with a solid growing ministry in Liberia, Africa, where they use my teachings and videos to hold women’s seminars under BYLM’s name—and recently they have launched Blessing Your Life Ministry International in their country.

As an experienced prayer minister, I’ve witnessed the inner transformation in people when they are ministered to and blessed on a spiritual level—meaning, deep healing prayers and blessings directed specifically to the spiritual part of the person—their human spirit. Making a one-to-one connection with a person’s spirit—rather than talking to God about it in prayer—has a deeper and greater impact in their lives than praying for them and asking God to do something. I love prayer and honor all it does—but blessing ministry is another powerful spiritual tool that God honors and uses.


My Training:

  • Elijah House Training School – John & Paula Sandford
  • Restoring the Foundations – Chester & Betsy Kylstra
  • Restoration in Christ – Tom & Diane Hawkins
  • TheoPhostic Prayer Ministry – Ed Smith
  • Sapphire Leadership Group – Arthur Burk
  • Three Precious Prayer Ministers – I’ve discovered and learned so much through ministry and teaching through them.
  • And I’ve learned much through my own healing and deliverance journey, along with ministry to others.


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