


Blessings are spoken directly to the human spirit—the inner-most and spiritual part of our being—not to God, as would happen in a prayer. [Ps.51:6; Ps.103:1; Ps.139:13; Prov.20:27; Eph.3:16]

By speaking directly to the spirit, you are by-passing the soul-mind with its judgments, fears, emotional issues, etc. Sometimes you may need to speak to their soul [mind, will, emotions], and tell their soul to step aside and not interfere while you speak to the spirit.

Spirit-blessings contain scriptures, scriptural concepts [faith, hope, joy, etc.], and godly principles. And—a blessing to our spirit lands differently within us - a much different dynamic than hearing a prayer.

Speak blessings OUT LOUD. Speak the person’s name and call their human spirit to come to attention—inviting it to come forward and listen; speak kindly and confidently.

If you want to bless someone who is not with you, you can do it from another room or location.

Spirit blessings reach a depth of healing not often touched by a prayer to God about them.

When the word ‘Spirit’ is capitalized, it’s referring to the Holy Spirit. When ‘spirit’ is not capitalized, it’s referring to our personal human spirit [except when it’s the first word of a sentence].  

Begin each blessing by inviting their spirit to come forward to receive…

Blessing for desire for salvation:

(Name), I call your human spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Soul, I ask you to step aside while I speak with the spirit. 

Spirit, God loves you so much and His love for you is unconditional. God longs to have an intimate relationship with you. He wants you reconciled to Him so much that He gave His precious Son, Jesus, to die for you and pay the penalty for your sins. Spirit, the most joyous moment of your life will be when you receive his reconciliation and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Spirit, I bless you with a hunger and desire for a salvation relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you with your spiritual eyes being opened to see and embrace the redemptive love of Jesus in your heart. I bless your heart to be good and fertile ground for the planting of the Word. I bless you with responding to the need within you to be made righteous in the sight of the Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you with desiring to be made new in salvation and joyously entering into a covenant relationship with God. Spirit, I bless you with being able to hear the wooing of your Good Shepherd and eagerly entering into His sheepfold.

I bless you with desiring to enter into the most important relationship we can have—a relationship with the King of kings and Lord of lords.

I bless you in the name of Jesus who is your salvation. Amen.

Blessing of Identity:

Spirit, I bless you to life; I welcome you to life because the Father has willed you into existence. You are not just the product of your earthly father and mother; spirit, you were specifically designed and created by your Heavenly Father who loves you completely from a heart that is passionate for you.

Spirit, I bless you with the Word of God in Ps.139:13-16 – "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

I bless you, spirit, with knowing deep within your inner-most being who God is in you and who you are in Him.  I bless you to be able to rest confidently and securely in your godly identity.

I bless you in the name of the Giver of Life, Jesus—who is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25). Amen.

Blessing for spiritual hunger and pursuit of spiritual freedom:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention to listen, and I invite you to receive this blessing. Spirit, I bless you with Heb.4:12-13 being a reality in your life—hear and receive the word of God, "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

Spirit, I bless you with continual growth and maturity deep within your being—that part of you that God created in His likeness; your spiritual DNA proves you are His child. I bless you with seeing and experiencing the Father-heart of God so that you can relate to Him as a true son/daughter that allows you to fully know who God is in you and who you are in Him. Be blessed with knowing you cannot earn His love and you don't need to—He cannot love you any more than He already loves you; He freely gives you His complete love and acceptance because you are His child, His design, and His creation. I bless you with fully embracing the reality that you are His beloved child—greatly cherished and treasured.

Be blessed with a hunger and pursuit for spiritual freedom. I bless the spark of life within you to ignite into a godly flame that will burn away all that is not of Father God in your life. I bless you, spirit, with Holy Spirit encounters with the living God who loves you from a passionate, pure heart.

I bless you with greater distinction between your spirit and your soul, greater spiritual maturity, and with your whole being—spirit, soul, and body being in perfect alignment under the direction of the Spirit of God. I bless you with Eph.3:19 "...that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us" (Eph.3:20), I bless you, spirit, with life, growth, and spiritual maturity in Jesus' precious and mighty name.  Amen and Amen.

Blessing for Increased Faith:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to come to the front to receive the Word of God. Soul, I ask you to step aside, be silent, and not stand in judgment while I speak to the spirit. Spirit, listen to the Word of God in Heb.12:2, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith."

Spirit, I bless you with faith made strong by Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Be blessed with being fully satisfied that He is keeping His word to you, no matter how long it takes or how contrary your circumstances may look. Be blessed with the confidence that your Father is fully able to keep His word and He promises that it never returns without having fulfilled its purpose (Isaiah 55:11).

I bless you with faith that has been tested and proven genuine. Be blessed with seeing and experiencing joy on the other side of trials. I bless you with strong faith, pure like gold. Be blessed with the faith that loving God produces and the inexpressible joy that believing in Him brings.

I bless you in the name of the Faithful One who is totally trustworthy. Amen.

Blessing of Destiny:

(Name), I invite your spirit to come forward and receive this blessing. Spirit, I bless you to be released to fulfill the very purpose of God for your life—to be and do everything that He has designed, purposed, and called you to be. I bless your desires to be intertwined with all that God desires for you to fulfill. I bless you, spirit, to sense the longing and hunger for more of God for your own life. 

Spirit, be blessed with a settled confidence deep within your being of who you are in God and who He is in you—to such a degree that you will not be intimidated or threatened about anyone or anything; I bless you to know that you are not the tail, but the head (Deut.28:13). I bless you to rise up and experience your life come into its full God—destiny.
I bless you in the name of our God who does more than we can ever ask, think, or imagine (Eph.3:20). Amen.

Blessing of Intimacy with God:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to come forward to receive this blessing from your heavenly Father. Soul, I ask you to step aside, be silent, and not stand in judgment while I speak to the spirit.

I bless you, spirit, with the work of the Holy Spirit that gets you past the barriers of fear and judgments into intimacy with your Father and His Son, Jesus. Be blessed with the ability to hand all your fears of intimacy to Jesus, knowing He will never abuse or misuse you with it. 

Spirit, your heavenly Father longs for an intimate relationship with you because you are a part of Him. Be blessed with coming into peace with yourself, with God, and with others through the work of Jesus removing your sins and healing your brokenness to bring you to a place of confidence and peace.

Spirit, your loving Father loves you so perfectly and so purely that you don't need to be afraid of intimacy with Him. Your Father longs for an intimate relationship with you because that’s where you experience His heart for you. As you develop an intimate relationship with Him, you will fall in love with Him in a deeper way.

I bless you with the truth of full salvation coming to you in a profoundly transforming way because your Lord Jesus desires it. He desperately wants you to be fully reconciled to Him. 

I bless you in the name of the One who was wounded for your transgressions. Amen.

Blessing from Isaiah 61:1-3:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention, and I invite you to come to the front to listen and receive the Word of God. Spirit, I bless you with the Word of God from Isaiah 61 where it says, "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."

Spirit, I bless you with experiencing all that God said He would do in verses 1-3—I bless your broken heart to be healed; I bless you to experience release from darkness; and I bless you with the proclaim of freedom for every place where you are held captive.

I proclaim the year of the Lord's favor upon you and I bless you to become an oak of righteous, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.

Spirit, in accordance with Isaiah 61:3, I bless you with experiencing comfort for all the places in you that mourn, and with experiencing the Holy Spirit's comfort coming to you and filling those places that hold grief and mourning.

I bless you with God replacing the ashes within you with a crown of beauty. I bless your ability to see the Lord Jesus placing a crown of beauty on your head that replaces those ashes. 

I bless you, spirit, with the oil of gladness and I bless your ability to sense the oil of gladness flowing over and through you as it removes the places of mourning within you and replaces them with joy.

Spirit, I bless you to experience being clothed in a garment of praise that replaces all despair, and I bless you with your beautiful garment of praise as the Lord presents you as a display of His splendor.

I bless you in the name of the Sovereign Lord who said in Isaiah 61:2 - "…to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God." Spirit, I proclaim to you, over you, through you, and in you, that this is the year of the Lord's favor and the day of the vengeance of our God. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Blessing for Your Spirit and Surgery:

Introduction: This is based on the principle that the Kingdom of God is portable – meaning, because Jesus lives in you, the Kingdom of God is also within you – and Kingdom authority goes wherever you go.


(Name), I call your spirit to attention. I invite your spirit to come forward to receive this blessing and instructions concerning your upcoming surgery.
Spirit, it’s a fact that you have spiritual authority everywhere you pay rent, and when you are in the hospital you are paying high rent. Therefore, you have complete spiritual authority over that space while you are there.

It’s important, spirit, beforehand to take authority over all those spaces – registration, pre-op, surgery room, post-op, and recovery – and to emphatically declare the Kingdom of God is portable, and Kingdom laws reign supreme while you are there.  

Before you leave home, spirit, call attention to the demonic over those spaces and declare the you,   a child of the Most High God, are coming, and when you come, they have no authority over that area because Kingdom Laws reign supreme. Declare it in the authority of the name of Jesus, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. I bless you to do that in Jesus’ name.

Also, spirit, you are not subject to anesthesia. When the anesthetic goes into your blood stream, your soul and body are completely neutralized, but you are not. You, spirit, will be completely conscious and can have complete dominion and authority while the body is anesthetized; it’s your job to monitor everything that goes on. I release you, spirit, to use your spiritual authority, and I instruct you to notify any medical personnel to alert them if there is something they need to know. I authorize you, spirit, to take charge of the process, and I bless you in that endeavor in Jesus’ name.

Also, spirit, important issues after surgery are swelling and pain control. And, spirit, even though you may have never done what I’m going to instruct you to do, I assure you that God created and designed in you these abilities. Turn your face to the Father and receive those instructions from Him.

I instruct you, spirit, as soon as surgery is over, to vigorously accelerate the repair of the capillaries in the area of incisions and trauma. Rather than avoiding the places that have been traumatized, you need to micro-manage the process. Scavenge the body for the amino acids and other resources needed to accelerate the healing process and see to it that those capillaries are rebuilt extremely quickly. Doing that will enable the waste products to be taken out and processed by the organs that do that, so there’s minimal swelling.

At the same time, spirit, you need to work with the nerves to calm the pain from the nerves being severed. It is totally appropriate for you, the human spirit, to ask the Holy Spirit to help you in knowing how to help the body. I bless you to do that in the name of Jesus, the Christ, or Nazareth.

Joshua 1:5 and Blessing of growth and maturity: 

I bless you with the ability to comprehend and embrace God’s truths concerning your God-planned design and purpose. Be blessed as you receive healing and empowerment from God as you experience His love in a deeper way, and as you learn to walk in the divine plan that your Heavenly Father has for your life. 

I bless you with peace as you go through the process of growth and maturity. Be blessed with confidence that Father God planned for your life, and He has never left you—where you are, He is; where you go, He goes with you; where you stand, He stands with you. I bless you with the same word God spoke to Joshua in Joshua 1:5 – “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Be blessed with settled assurance of who you are in your Father—His beloved child—and I bless you with embracing the Father—heart of God, so you will have the ability to see, experience, and rest in knowing who your Father is in you. I bless you to discover and embrace more fully who God has already designed and planned for you to be. Be blessed to know, that in your Father’s eyes and heart, you are legitimate and worthy of dignity and respect.

I bless you in the name of the God of all unconditional love. Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11: 

I bless you with God’s word in Jeremiah 29:11 - “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Be blessed with knowing that God has specifically designed plans for you. I bless that discovery within you, and I bless your God-destiny to unfold and come to fulfillment.  

I bless you in the name of Jesus who said in John 10:10 that He came to give you abundant life—life to the full. Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11:

(Name), in the name of the true Lord Jesus Christ, I invite your personal human spirit—that part of you that reflects the image of God—to come to attention to listen and receive this blessing. Soul, I ask you to step aside and not interfere or stand in judgment while I speak to the spirit.

Spirit, I bless you by acknowledging that you are legitimate; you are on earth by God’s design and plan, and you are extremely valuable—in fact, your worth is beyond measure to your heavenly Father, to me, to your family, and to the Kingdom of God. 

Spirit, I bless you with freedom to be able to release those things that are hindrances or are holding you back from receiving all that Father—God has for you, and from reaching His full intention for your life.  

Listen to God’s word for you in Jer.29:11 - “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Spirit, be blessed with knowing that God does have specifically designed plans for you. I bless that discovery within you, and I bless your God-destiny to unfold and come to fulfillment.  

I bless you in the name of Jesus who said in John 10:10 that He came to give you abundant life-life to the full. Amen.

Jeremiah 29:11 & Ezekiel 11:19-21:  

Spirit, I bless you with God’s promises to the Israelites in Ezekiel 11:19-21, which are also promises to you – “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be my people, and I will be their God.” Be blessed with those words resonating deep within you.  

I bless you, spirit, with experiencing God’s Father-heart for you. Be blessed as His unconditional love permeates every part of your being because you are precious to Him, you are acceptable to Him, and He is yours and you are His.  

I bless your identity and legitimacy to be all He planned for you, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Zephaniah 3:17 & Psalm 139:14-16:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to come forward to listen and receive.

Spirit, I bless you with God’s word in Zeph.3:17 – “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.”  

Be blessed, spirit, to receive and experience your Father’s great love for you right now. Along with your Heavenly Father, I celebrate who He designed and created you to be.  

Listen to what your Father says about you, how He made you, and how He sees you in Ps.139:14-16 – You are fearfully and wonderfully made; He knit you together in your mother’s womb, and His eyes saw your unformed body; and all the days ordained for you were written in His book before one of them came to be. I bless you to receive that word for yourself.

Spirit, know that God celebrates His marvelous design of you. He smiles at your beauty. He loves who He created you to be. He loves that you are designed and created in His image.  

I bless you in the name of God, your Creator, who made you and formed you. (Deut.32:6b)  

Marriage Blessing:

To the Groom:

___ (name), from Ephesians 5, I bless you with the desire and ability to love your wife, (name), just as Christ loves the Church.  

As Christ loved His church so much that He was willing to give up His life for her, I bless you with the desire and ability to love ___ more than you love yourself or anything else, except God.

I bless you in your position before God with the desire and ability to be willing to represent Christ in this relationship and spiritual contract.

___, I bless you with the desire and ability to celebrate your wife, and with knowing ___ is far more precious and valuable than jewels. I bless you with the ability to trust in the heart of your wife and believe in her.

I bless you with bringing a completeness to ___ that only you can do, but I also bless you with knowing and accepting that it is not your job, nor do you have the ability, to change her or make her whole. ___, I bless you with the wisdom, spiritual insight, and ability to present your wife to God in prayer and allow Him to do a perfect work in her heart.

I bless you with the desire and ability to allow and help your wife to be all that God has designed and created her to be.

I bless you with the desire and ability to be Christ-like in this relationship; never flaunting your headship, never abusing your authority, never bringing stain to this marriage, and always endeavoring to be blameless and holy before your God and your wife. Isaiah 62:5 says, “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.”  

___, I bless you with being a husband who is known as a man of wisdom. And I bless you with rising up and calling your wife blessed.

To the Bride:
(Name), from Ephesians 5, I bless you with the desire and ability to submit to your husband, ___, as he is the godly head of this union.  

___, I bless you with the desire and ability to love ___ more than you love yourself or anything else except God. I bless you with the desire and ability to keep your husband cleansed through the washing of your words.

___, I bless you with bringing a completeness to ___ that only you can do, but I also bless you with knowing and accepting that it is not your job, nor do you have the ability, to change him or make him whole.

I bless you with the spiritual insight and ability to present your husband to God in prayer and allow Him to do a perfect work in his heart. I bless you with the ability to allow and help ___ to be all that God has designed and created him to be.

___, I bless you to be the Proverbs 31 wife, with the desire and ability to be a capable, intelligent, and virtuous wife. I bless you with a heart that your husband can trust, rely on, and believe in.

To the Couple:

___ and ___, I bless you as a married couple from 1 Peter 3:8 with the desire and ability to live in harmony with one another, to be sympathetic, compassionate, and humble.

From 1 Corinthians 1:10, I bless you with the desire and ability to agree with one another so that there be no division between you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

I bless you from Philippians 2:3 with the desire and ability to do nothing out of selfish ambition, or vain control, but in humility consider each other better than yourself.

___ and ___, I bless you with the ability, willingness, and strength to help and sustain each other in times of weakness.  

I bless you with desire and ability to stand together as a united front against any plan of the enemy in your lives.

Be blessed with knowing and living out everything that God has called you to do as a couple and as a family. 

___ and ___, I bless you with the ability to comfort and encourage each other, and only do good to and for each other as long as there is life within you.

And, finally, I bless you, ___ and ____, with the ability to live out what Mark said in chapter 10:9 – “Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

I bless you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, Amen.


In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless your commitment to the Lord and to each other to be all that God plans and purposes for you as a married partnership and in covenant relationship with each other and with the Lord. I bless everything God has envisioned for you as a couple to come to full fruition in His timing.

I bless you with faithfulness to God and each other. I bless your marriage to be graced with unity and appreciation of each other’s gifts and calling.

I bless you to be a couple of godly character and integrity, and to endure times of difficulty with grace, forgiveness, and faithfulness.

Be blessed to hear the prompting and voice of the Lord, to wait patiently for His direction when needed, and then to follow His leading—because you have the promise of God in Proverbs 28:20 that a faithful person will abound in blessings.  

I bless you with the words, dedication, and commitment of Ruth in chapter 1:16 as she promised to Naomi, her mother-in-law – “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”

I bless you in the name of your faithful God, amen and amen.

Blessing of Church, Land, and Building:

In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, I bless the congregation of (name). I bless the building in which we meet, and I bless the land on which the church building stands. I speak to the land and the church building to be cleansed of all corruption, all evil, and all defilement. Church land and building, feel and experience the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus flowing over, under, through, around, and in you right now; feel and experience the life that lives within the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I declare that the land and church building of ___ are a habitation for the Lord Jesus Christ. I declare that our land and building are a place where the Holy Spirit of God hovers, moves freely, and easily and quickly displays the splendor and love of Father God and the powerful, life-changing presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I bless this building and land to be a place where people experience the presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit of God. I bless this land and building to be a place where people are eager to come; where people are free to praise and worship the Lord and who will quickly ‘enter into His gates with praise and into His courts with thanksgiving’. 

I declare this to be a place where God’s miracles abound; a place where human spirits are nurtured and grown; a place where souls and bodies are healed; a place where the unsaved will receive Jesus as not only their Savior, but also, as the Lord of their lives. I declare ___ to be a place where prisoners are released from darkness; where the oppressed are set free; where the blind receive sight and the lame walk and leap for joy.  

I bless the ‘word of mouth’ in the community around us to be life-giving, to be positive, to be supportive, to be life-drawing, and to be an open invitation. I bless the words of the ‘nay-sayers’ to be turned around for our good and to be a Holy Spirit magnet to this place.  

Blessing of Congregation:

I bless the congregation of ___ with the desire, strength, and ability to rise up to be all that God has called you to be. I bless you with the desire, strength, and ability to rise to the task of changing your personal world and the world around you. I bless you with the desire and anointing to draw people into our church congregation and fellowship who are hungry for the ways of the Lord. I bless you with being people magnets for those who are eager for the ways of the Lord and those who need God’s intervention in their lives. I bless this congregation with the desire and the ability to be life-givers to those who need the life-giving power of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

I bless this congregation with the desire and willingness to live God’s standard of righteousness and to draw in others who have that same desire. I bless this congregation with the desire and ability to embrace total healing and desire the fullness of the Word of God in this church, in your personal lives, and the lives of others.  

___, I bless you with the desire, strength, ability, and anointing to draw in people who desire and will allow God to do such a change within them that it affects everything about them, their lives, their families, and their world. I bless you with the desire, strength, and ability to allow God to do such a work within you as individuals and in this congregation that it affects everything about who you and we are, our lives, our families, our church, and our world.

I bless you to be a people who are givers of everything good and who are so excited about what God has done in your lives that you are compelled to tell others about the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

I bless you to be a congregation of people who are like trees planted by the streams of water who yield good and lasting fruit, whose leaf does not wither, and whatever he does prospers (Ps.1). I bless you with people who are a planting of the Lord and are like trees planted by the water whose roots grow deep and are not swayed by the winds of change or circumstances. I bless this congregation to be a weaving of the Lord; an inter-twining of everyone the Lord has called to be here. I bless you to be a growing congregation of people who are excited, eager, and faithful about meeting together for fellowship with the Lord and with each other. Church, I bless you with giving life to others through the transformational love of Father God, the life-giving power of the blood and name of Jesus, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  

I bless this church with purity of leadership. I bless all those in this congregation to be everything that God has called you to be and do. I bless the leadership and congregation with the ability and desire to change as God directs. I bless you to be a people who clearly hear the Word of the Lord and always put God’s perfect will first in your lives and in the life of this church.  

I bless you with an abundance of safe, willing to serve, and Holy Spirit anointed teachers and servants. I declare that evil motives will be quickly discerned, revealed, and properly dealt with.  

I bless this church fellowship with the safety and protection of its children. I bless you with good leaders of godly character who choose to walk with the Lord daily. I bless every teacher, leader, and servant with the desire, strength, and ability to throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles (Heb.12) so that you can run the race marked out for you with perseverance. I bless this congregation to be a people who fix their eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your faith.  

I bless you with the joy that Jesus had that allowed Him to endure everything that He had to face, experience, and live out. I bless you with the joy of the Lord in all situations and circumstances.  

I bless this congregation with the willingness and eagerness to tell others about the transformational love of Father God, the life-giving power of the blood and name of Jesus, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. ___, I say, “Rise up! Rise up to your calling in God. Rise up to who God designed and purposed you to be. Rise up to fulfill the Word of the Lord that has been spoken to you in the past and has been spoken to you now.”  

___, I bless you to be all that God has called you to be and do. I bless you in Jesus’ Mighty Name, the King of kings and the Lord of all lords. Amen and Amen.

Blessing to more than a servant – Isaiah 49:1-7:

(Name), beloved servant of God, I bless you to know and experience the joy of restoring people’s hearts back to Me.    

Child of God, I bless you with the desire of Jabez’s heart (1Chron.4:9-10) that your tent-stakes will be enlarged—that you will be blessed, and your territory expanded. 

I bless you with the prayer in Eph.3:14-20 - that it will be activated in your life in a much greater way than it is at this moment. I pray and bless you that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your heart through faith.  And I pray and bless that you will be rooted and established in love so you will have the power, together will all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp and understand and experience how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. 

I bless you to not only know, but experience, that He who is able to do immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within you, will be your daily declaration—to Him be all the glory and honor, for ever and ever, Amen!

Blessing of the Father being happy with you as His adopted son or daughter: 

(Name), I call your spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to listen and receive to these blessings from your heavenly Father.  
Precious one, receive this blessing from your Father as He kneels down to look you in the eye and say, "You make me happy."   

Spirit, listen to Ephesians 1:3-6. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves." 

Spirit, receive the defining love and grace of your God and the Father of your Lord Jesus Christ. I bless you with not just knowing, but experiencing, that you existed in God's heart from eternity as a precious being before time was. You abide in His everlasting love that adopted you as His child through Jesus Christ. You are his beloved child.

I bless you, spirit, to hear your Father speaking His blessings to you. Be blessed to discover many deposits of His blessings in your inner being. Let them trickle down to your soul, heart, emotions, and will. Be blessed to live and move in tune with your Father's heart for your identity, legitimacy, and birthright. Jesus living in you is the unique glory of your life. He created you for the praise of His glorious grace. This is God's final word on who you are. Be blessed as you receive all the good gifts of life from the Spirit of the Life-giver in you. Receive his faith, hope, and love. 

Spirit, your life is like a treasure map, and you are on a journey of discovery of your truest identity and legitimacy. Feel God's light shining upon you and in you. Be blessed as your God and Father creates new pathways of significance where none have consciously existed. Receive the gentle voice of your Father speaking in the core of your essence saying to you, "You are my beloved."  

I bless you in the name of the Spirit of adoption and sonship (Romans 8:15).  Amen.

Blessing for Healing (and to Soul):

(Name), I call to your human spirit—spirit, I invite you to come forward to receive this blessing. Spirit, usually I engage with you first, but today I invite you to listen as I speak to the Soul first.

Soul, I want you to know that it was not God’s desire or plan that you be wounded in life, and I, too, am sorry for all that has happened to hurt you. Soul, there is a better way than to protect yourself. Early in life you didn’t have a choice but to defend and protect, and I want to thank you for doing that job to the best of your ability. But, Soul, as hard as it may be for you to accept, Jesus is the best Protector and Defender anyone can have, and He is on the job 24/7. One of the good things about Jesus as your Protector and Defender is that He does it out of love and not fear. Soul, I would encourage you to trust Jesus and release your hold so that the spirit and the Holy Spirit can do their work.

Soul, I bless you with the ability to know what changes Jesus can make in your life and allow Jesus and your spirit to minister to you. I encourage you to allow the light of God to shine on your darkness to reveal the sin, fear, judgments, anger, self-hatred, and hurts that you hold in your heart so that you may receive the healing and freedom of the Lord Jesus Christ. As you do that, Soul, you will experience the truth of the Word of God in John 8:32 that says, “He who the Son sets free is free indeed.”  Soul, I bless you with the willingness, ability, and desire to allow the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse you from every root that holds sickness, disease, sin, and iniquity in your body and life. I bless you in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth.

Spirit, thank you for your patience. Spirit, you know that God has placed within you everything that you need to live out all of the days that God has ordained for you. You can see and understand spiritual things that the Soul can’t. Spirit, I would encourage you to go before the Father and allow His light to shine on you. And, spirit, you have the ability to reflect that light to the Soul, so I say, reflect away! I would encourage you to get instructions from the Father and then minister to the needs in the Soul.  

Spirit, I bless you with being all you are designed to be and all that you are designed by God to do.

I bless you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

Blessing for a life of greater faith:

(Name), in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I invite your human spirit—the part of you created in God’s image—to come forward to receive this blessing. Soul, I ask you to stand aside and not stand in judgment.

Spirit, hear God’s word for you from Jer. 29:11: “I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Be blessed, spirit, with living out those desires and promises of God.

Spirit, I remind you that you are created out of God’s light. You are not a substitute or a castoff; you are an exact duplication of God. That means you are not inferior in any way. And, because the soul and body get tired and overwhelmed and have fears, that in no way diminishes who you are, what you know, and what you can do. God made you able to understand things that the soul can’t understand—and that’s okay because it’s by God’s plan and design. God made you able to do things that the soul can’t do—and that’s okay. And, spirit, God made you able to stand in faith on things that the soul can only dream of doing—and that’s a good thing. God has placed within you everything you need to be able to live your life triumphantly, joyfully, and with all the strength that you need to not only get through this hour, but to get through today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows in front of you. 

Spirit, I declare to you the truths in Ps.103. The Lord says that He “heals all your diseases; He redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion; He satisfies your desires with good things and He will renew your youth.” Spirit, you have the ability to not take on the burdens of the soul and body and they are not yours to carry. Praise God that He created you differently. God created you with the ability to receive power and strength from Him directly. He allows His wondrous light to shine on your potential and you are strengthened.  

I bless you, spirit, with continued growth as you discover the treasures buried deep within you that God is eagerly waiting for you to unpack. Your potential to ‘walk on water’ is just ahead of you. Your potential to raise the dead is within your grasp. Spirit, I say, “Walk…walk on the water!” Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and His ability to keep you on top. I encourage you, spirit, to stand before the Father with open arms and an open heart and tell Him you are willing. Let His light shine on you and intensify your brilliance. Allow His light to unlock your hidden treasures. Speak to the generational rust in the locks to be removed. Allow the smaller locks to be dissolved by the greatness of your God.  And then, ask the Father if there is anything else that would keep you from opening the lock of total faith. Spirit, I bless you with the ‘gift of faith’.  

I bless you with the ability to wholly embrace and live out these promises of God. Be blessed with the ability to know how to minister to your body and soul all these promises and possibilities from God.

I bless you in the name of the most awesome God. Amen and Amen.

Blessing of Legitimacy:

(Name), I call your human spirit to come to attention. Spirit, I invite you to come forward and hear the Word of the Lord for you.

Spirit, you get your legitimacy from God because He loves you more than you could ever know. God loves you, unconditionally, because He created you and He gave you the gift of love. Spirit, God created you out of Himself so He can’t help but love you. He made you extraordinary, so special, so unique that there’s never been another person like you.

Spirit, you are different from the Soul and that is okay, and it is good—that is how God created you.  And, spirit, I believe you have taken the blame for some things that the Soul has done and I’m sorry for that. Spirit, whatever the Soul has done, it does not diminish who you are. You are created out of God’s light—you were not created out of something inferior; you are not a mistake or wrong. God planned for you from before the foundation of the world and He was eagerly waiting the time for you to be born.  

Spirit, you have access to Almighty God because He loves you and wants to communicate with you and have a relationship with you. God has extended His love to you, and He invites you to reciprocate. God so desperately wants you back with Him that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you, to reconcile you to the Father, once again. That’s how legitimate you are. That’s how passionate God is about you, spirit.

So, spirit, know you are loved and have been loved from the moment of conception. God knows your name and is not ashamed of you. The infinite Creator God of the universe throws open His arms and welcomes you.

I bless you with walking in that legitimacy, savoring it, and communicating it to the Soul. I bless you, spirit, with being released from the shame of the soul and its actions. 

I bless you with the ability to receive and comprehend how special you are and how much Father God loves you and desires you to walk in His light daily.

I bless you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Blessing of Legitimacy:

(Name), I call your God-given human spirit to come to attention. Spirit, I invite you to come forward to listen and hear the Word of the Lord for you today.

Spirit, I want you to know that you are designed and created by Father God. God waited for all millennia until the time when you would be born. You are not an accident; God planned your existence from the beginning of time, and He was so pleased and delighted when the time came for Him to place your spirit into your newly conceived body.

Spirit, what the Psalmist David wrote about himself in Ps.139 is also God’s declaration about you. The Father says, “For I created your inmost being; I knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” When God designed and created you, He did it with part of His own light. You were not an after-thought to Father God. He purposely created you out of His own light, out of His own being and when you shine, you are shining God’s light. I bless you with knowing you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

I bless you with knowing and understanding how legitimate you are to God. Father God, I ask you to remove the lies that ___ believes about himself/herself. I ask You to cover them with the precious blood of your Son, Jesus. Father, I ask You to bathe ___ in Your light; and as You do, I ask for all rejection and shame to be washed away.

Holy Spirit, I ask you to clothe ___ in the Father’s garment of legitimacy—that garment that tells her and the world that she is planned and purposed by Father God.

I bless you with knowing how great and immense is the Father’s love for you.

I bless you in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Wake Up Blessing – Eph.5:14: – If your spirit has not been validated or is slumbering:

(Name), I speak to your human spirit—the part of you that’s created in God’s image—the truest essence of who you are—and spirit, I invite you to come forward to listen and receive this blessing from God’s Word. If you aren’t free to move forward, I give you permission to stay where you are and listen from there—you will be able to hear and reach out and take the words that go by. Soul, I ask you to step aside and not interfere while I speak to the spirit.

Spirit, first of all, I want to validate you—that you are valuable and greatly loved. You are God’s precious child, and He cherishes you.

I bless you, spirit, from the Word of God in 1John 1:5 – “God is light’ in Him there is no darkness at all.”  And with Ephesians 5:14 – “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

In agreement with Ephesians 5:14 I say, Wake up, slumbering spirit, and receive from the Light who created you and formed you and lives in you. Be blessed to become fully alive and responsive to God’s light. Be blessed with meeting God deeply. I bless you, spirit, with life, and I welcome you to life. I bless you to live without fear or shame.

Spirit, be blessed to see who God made you to be. Be blessed to discover the wonder of who you are—a person after God’s own heart, a unique spirit. God is reviving you, spirit, and filling you with His love and life. I bless you to longer live as if you are sleep-walking. Your Father’s light is rising like the dawn in you. His heart for your identity, legitimacy, and birthright is being revealed in you. Receive from Him everything you need for living in covenant with him and others as a life-giver. The Holy Spirit is permeating into you His truth and instruction.

I bless you, spirit, to the fullness of everything God has for you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Baby in the Womb Blessing:

Baby (name if you know it), I call your spirit to attention in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Listen as I read the Word of God to you. Philippians 2:13 – “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”
I bless you with knowing you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our Creator God has formed you and created you in His image. Nothing can be created without Him—so Baby/(name), you are His perfect creation. God has knit you together in your mother’s womb and you bear His fingerprints. He rejoices in designing, molding, and shaping you. You are His creation, and He is proud to call you His precious child.

Baby spirit, you are treasured by your loving heavenly Father. God chose the moment your life would start. He brought your parents together and wove you together in your mother’s womb. He chose every one of your 23 pairs of chromosomes. He picked out every one of your genes. And He personally selected generational treasures for your spirit, soul and body. He knew every facet of your life and carefully chose all the treasures that you would need to succeed, because He knew what your calling was when He designed you. I bless you with experiencing the joy God felt when He created you. I say, in agreement with God, that you are beautiful, and you are beloved.

Baby spirit, I bless you with knowing that you are in a safe place. You can rest in the security that you are in the hands of God and are only required to fit into His plans and time schedule. Hear the Word of God in Psalm 91 – “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” You can say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” The Word also says in Psalm 91 – “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” 

Spirit, I bless you with the security and strength of knowing that you dwell in the shelter of the Most High God. Thank you, Baby spirit. Amen.

Blessing from Eph. 3:16-19:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention; spirit, I invite you to come forward to listen and receive the Word of God for you. Spirit, I bless you with the truths in Eph.3:16-19 that Father God, out of His glorious riches, will strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being.

I bless you with Christ dwelling in your heart through faith. I bless you to be rooted and established in love, and that you will have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.  

Spirit, I bless you with experiencing the love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Be blessed to become all that God has created you to be.

I bless you in the name of the One who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Eph.3:20).  Amen.

Blessing from Ephesians 3:16-19:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention. Spirit, I invite you to come forward to listen and receive the Word of God for you. Soul, I ask you to step aside and not interfere while I speak to the spirit.

Spirit, I bless you with the truths in Eph.3:16-19 that Father God, out of His glorious riches, will strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner-being. I bless you with Christ dwelling in your heart through faith. I bless you to be rooted and established in love, and that you will have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. And I bless you with experiencing the love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Spirit, be blessed to become all that God has created you to be.

I bless you in the name of the One who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Eph. 3:20). Amen.

Blessing if your child seems angry at you: Presented by parent…reword to fit your situation.

(Name), I invite the truest part of you—your human spirit—the part of you that shines with the likeness of God to listen and receive this blessing—and heart, I ask you to listen. Soul, I ask you to step aside with your anger and resentment and not interfere as I minister to the spirit.

Spirit, I love you so much and I have something very important to tell you. I bless you with knowing you are created special by your heavenly Father, and He loves you so much. You are special to God; you are special to your Daddy/Mommy, and you are special to me. We both love you so much.

Spirit, because we love you very much, we don’t want to do anything that will hurt you. But as parents we don’t always make the best decisions. I ask you to forgive (Mommy or Daddy) for every time and way he/she has hurt you or done something that makes you angry.

(Name), for whatever it is that you hold against (Daddy/Mommy) [name it if you know what it is], I ask you to forgive him/her and not be angry at him/her. Daddy/Mommy doesn’t want to hurt you. I ask you to hand you pain, anger, and resentment to Jesus. Jesus loves you so much that He doesn’t want you to carry those hurtful things inside of you.

Spirit, I’m asking Jesus to remove any shame you may feel, and I bless you with dignity and God’s goodness. I bless you with the ability to rise far beyond any limitations in us as your parents. I bless you with a compassionate heart and the ability to forgive when you feel offended. I bless you to be able to reject any rebellion that might try to rise up in you.  
(Name), Daddy/Mommy and I thank God for you; you are a blessing to us and our family. Our family wouldn’t be complete without you. We love you—you are our precious child.
I bless you in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Blessing from Hebrews 12:2:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to come forward to listen and receive the Word of God. Soul, I ask you to step aside, be silent, and not stand in judgment while I speak to the spirit.  
Spirit, hear the Word of God in Heb.12:2, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Spirit, I bless you with faith made strong by Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Be blessed with being fully satisfied that He is keeping His word to you no matter how long it takes, or how contrary your circumstances may look. Be blessed with knowing your Father is fully able and faithful to keep His word.  

I bless you with faith that has been tested and proven genuine. Be blessed with seeing and experiencing joy on the other side of trials. I bless you with strong faith, pure like gold. 

Be blessed with faith that loving God produces, and the inexpressible joy that believing in Him brings.  

I bless you in the name of the Faithful One who is totally trustworthy.  Amen.

Blessing for Removal of Shame:

(Name), I invite your spirit to come to the front and listen and receive. Spirit, I bless you with the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. God not only made you whole and complete, He created you holy. In life we walk through places where shame resides, we carry shame put on us by others, and we carry shame that we have put on ourselves.  

Spirit, I bless you to release the shame you are carrying and hand it to Jesus, who is your cleansing and purity. Be cleansed from the shame of sexual abuse, social shame, and shame that has attached to you for any other reason or from any other source.

I give you, spirit, the gift of dignity. I bless you to see yourself not only clothed in righteous from Jesus but also in dignity.  

I bless you in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Blessing from 2 Peter 1:1-2:  Discovering your hidden resources:

(Name), I call your human spirit to attention in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to come forward and receive this blessing.

Listen as I read 2 Peter 1:1-2 – “To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours: Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.”  

Spirit, I celebrate with you that we have faith through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.  

Be blessed to know that peace is yours—and I bless you with all that peace is—perfect well-being; all necessary good; freedom from fears, and freedom from agitating passions. I bless you with God’s abundance of grace and peace—that the wealth of peace and grace within you are so great that they have no choice but to cause a complete transformation within you and affect every part of your being.

Spirit, listen to the truth of 2 Peter 1:3 – “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” Spirit, I encourage you to turn your face to the Father and ask Him to reveal to you those things that are within you that you need to live a successful, powerful, effective life for Him. And, spirit, I bless you with the ability to tap into those hidden resources and apply them to your life.

I bless you in the name of the God who knows exactly how He designed and created you. Amen.

Blessing of Encouragement for the human spirit to grow and to heal the body:

(Name), I call your spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, God made you different than the soul. He made you out of His light. He made you able to understand things that the soul can’t understand. God made you to see, hear, and process in a different way than the soul—and that is good.

Spirit, you are capable of changing the ways parts of your body work. God has placed in your spirit everything you need to be able to live this life you’ve been called to.

Spirit, I would encourage you to partner with God in healing your body. I would encourage you that during the night hours when the soul is more settled, to turn your face to the Father and turn the light of your spirit into the Father’s face and allow His light to shine on you. It will enlarge the brilliance of the light of your spirit and will enable God to unlock the truths that He has already placed there.  

Spirit, God’s Spirit can teach you how to heal any part of your body that it is supposed to heal. I would encourage you to simply say to God’s Spirit, “Here I am. I want to grow; I want to be and use everything You’ve given me. What is it that You want to unlock for me today?”  

Spirit, I would encourage you to ask God to teach you how to function, how to grow, and how to heal the body.

Spirit, I bless you with learning well. I bless you with finding joy in discovering new things about who you are. Amen.

Blessing of Healing to your body:

(Name), I call your human spirit to attention in the name of Jesus. Spirit, I invite you to come forward and hear what I have to say to you.

Spirit, I know that God created you with immense potential. God created you out of His own light and you shine with that same light. When God finished creating you, He was very pleased, and He loves you so much.

God designed and created you, spirit, with very special abilities. God put within you the ability to minister to your soul and your body. Everything you need to sustain good health God has already placed in you.

Spirit, I ask you to minister the healing power of Jesus to ___’s body. During the night hours, spirit, I encourage you to turn your face to Father God and receive any instructions that you need to be able to cleanse ___’s body of toxins and bacteria and any other problems left behind by ___ [sickness] and then minister healing to his/her complete being.

Spirit, anything you need from God is available to you. I encourage you to minister to the needs in ___’s soul and that you would minister to any fear that he/she has or is being given to him/her from others. Spirit, minister the love of Jesus to the soul—because perfect love casts out all fear.

___, I bless you with abundant health. I bless you with seeing the needs in ___’s soul and body, and I bless you with the ability to minister to those needs.
I speak to ___’s body and I tell you to receive healing. In Jesus’ name I curse and speak death to all remnants of ___ in ___’s body and all sickness in the any organ. I speak life into every cell, tissue, and organ. I speak life and wholeness into ___’s bloodstream in Jesus’ name.

Spirit, I bless you with knowing how much God loves you and having that love surround you every hour of the day and night.

I bless you to do what God has designed and created you to do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Blessing to Encourage spirit, soul, and body to wholeness:

(Name), I call your human spirit to attention in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Spirit, I invite you to come forward and listen. Soul, I ask you to stand aside and not stand in judgment while I speak to the spirit.

Spirit, hear God’s word in Jer.29:11 – “I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.” Spirit, I bless you with living out that promise of God.

Spirit, I remind you that you are created out of His light. He made you able to understand things and do things that the soul can’t and that is good. God has placed within you everything you need to be able to live your life and be all you are called to be.  

Spirit, I declare to you the truths in Ps.103. The Lord says that He “heals all your diseases; He redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion; He satisfies your desires with good things and He will renew your youth.” Spirit, I bless you with the ability to fully embrace and live out these promises of God. I bless you with the ability to know how to minister to your body and soul all the healing that God has promised to you.  

Spirit, you are capable of partnering with God in your healing journey. I would encourage you to turn your face toward the Father and allow His light to shine on you. As God’s light saturates you, it will enlarge the brilliance of your spirit and will enable you to unlock the truths that He has already placed within you. Spirit, your position is awesome as you were created with God’s light. Your abilities are God given and no matter what the soul tries to tell you, you know the truth of God. There is no reason that you can’t and shouldn’t stand before the Father, so I encourage you to stand there drinking in all that God is. God’s Spirit can also teach you how to minister to your soul to bring peace, confidence in the Lord, and healing to the soul’s woundedness. So, spirit, I bless you with learning well. I bless you with the ability to know how to unpack the treasures within you. I bless you with the ability to persevere when the soul and body don’t see a way.

I bless you in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen and amen.

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