
Prayers are spoken to God and asking Him to do something for us. As we hear them, they are received in our soul—mind—then we wait on God.

I suggest prayers should be spoken out loud as it then projects them into the spiritual realm: All spiritual things are activated in the spiritual realm — prayer, faith, etc.

Jesus said in John 14:13-14 ... "And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it."  Many times, we are asking God for things that won't bring glory to Jesus, the Son, or to those cases, He is not obligated to answer.

Prayer of Salvation:

  • Father God, I confess that I am a sinner, and without You, I have no hope.  
  • Jesus, I believe You died on the Cross and were the ultimate sacrifice and payment for all my sins.  
  • God, I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and that He reigns today as King of kings and Lord of lords.  
  • Father God, I repent for all of my sins and ask You to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  
  • Jesus, I invite you to live in my heart. I confess that You are my Savior and I ask You to be the Lord of my life. Help me to see myself clothed in Your righteousness and live a life worthy of Your love.
  • Thank you, God, for taking me out of the Kingdom of Darkness and placing me in the Kingdom of Light and giving me eternal life.  
  • Thank you, Father, for making me a child of the King.

Prayer to Invite God to Work in Your Heart:

  • Father God, I acknowledge that I have lived my Christian life and served You to the best of my ability, but I understand that I may not have always done it with the right motives or from a pure heart. I don’t want to continue to produce ungodly fruit in my life.
  • God, I cry out to you like the Psalmist did, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). I acknowledge that, even though my spirit was made new when I accepted Jesus as my Savior, there are places in my heart that still need to be redeemed.  I choose to do what Philippians 2:12 tells me — to work out my salvation — so I submit my heart to You for cleansing.
  • I ask You to begin to “…remove from me my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). God, please show me how and where I have hardened my heart and how that permeates into my everyday life.
  • Matthew 5:8 says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” God, I want to be able to fully relate to You as my loving heavenly Father, and I cannot do that as long as I have barriers in my heart between You and me. I want a pure heart so my understanding of You is not tainted or limited; I want to know You better. I ask You to reveal my sin, wrong attitudes, unforgiveness, anger and judgments so I can repent and get my heart in alignment with You.
  • Father God, I ask You to do whatever is needed in my heart and life to allow me to have an intimate relationship with You, my Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  • I ask You to begin to reveal ungodly motives in my life and to help me recognize when You are bringing an issue to my attention and guide me in dealing with it. I don’t want to just stop bad behavior; I want to deal with those things in my heart that cause me to produce ungodly fruit in my life.
  • Jesus, I receive You as my Healer as well as my Savior. I invite You to do in my heart and life what You said You came to do — to heal my brokenness, cause my blinded eyes to see, set me free from those things that hold me captive and help me to be able to live the abundant life that You have already prepared for me.
  • Thank You, Lord, for Your excellent work in me. Father, I ask that Philippians 1:6 be a reality in my life: “That He who began a good work in me will complete it.”
  • I declare this is the desire of my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  • Father God, I confess my sin of rebellion. I repent and ask You to forgive me for every way that I rebelled against my parents, authorities, life, myself, and You.
  • Please forgive me for every time I thought I knew what was best and trying to force my will on others. I acknowledge that Your ways are far better than my ways.
  • I repent for my stubbornness and disobedience and ask You to forgive me; forgive me for ___ (name ways you rebelled).
  • I forgive (names) for everything he/she did that helped me to feel like I wanted to rebel, and I release him/her and those offenses from my heart.
  • God, I know that my rebellion and sins have caused trouble for myself and others; forgive me for hurting others because of my pain and selfishness.
  • I forgive myself for my rebellion, stubbornness and disobedience and the pain and trouble I have caused.
  • I acknowledge that my anger, hatred, resentment, unforgiveness, and [anything else] are sin and a driving force for my rebellion; please forgive me.
  • Jesus, I ask You to heal those places in my heart that caused me to want to rebel and cover my anger and the sin under my rebellion, stubbornness, and disobedience with Your precious blood.
  • Father God, I no longer choose to rebel, and I submit my will to Your will. Please close the door of rebellion in my life.
  • Thank you, Father, for Your love and freedom.

Death Wish:                                                                          

Thoughts…An old death wish can continue to have spiritual power over your life. Just because you have grown past that desire and have changed your mind, that doesn’t stop the spiritual assignment you gave it — that death assignment stays active in the spiritual realm until you renounce it.


  • Father God, I repent and ask You to forgive me for not valuing my life and wanting to escape life’s problems; please forgive me for every way that I have rejected and hated myself and life, and every way I held it against You, my parents, and others.
  • I forgive myself for all my failures and believing I am a failure.
  • I choose to forgive (names) who have hurt me and caused me to feel that my life wasn’t valuable; I release them and their offenses from my heart.
  • God, I ask You to forgive me for every way that I blamed You for creating me inferior and for putting me in the family that You did. I release my judgments against You from my heart.
  • Please forgive me for every way that I tried to escape from life and its hurts, for every way I have not embraced life and have desired to die.
  • Forgive me for believing death is better than life and that others would be better off if I was dead.
  • Forgive me for every way I contemplated or fantasized about ending my life.
    • If you attempted suicide:
    • Father God, I ask You to forgive me for trying to end my life. Forgive me for not valuing my life or seeing the value of living. I am sorry that I allowed the pain I felt to consume me. Forgive me for choosing death instead of life.
  • Jesus, I ask You to come and cover the anger I have at myself and life and my self-hatred with Your precious blood; I acknowledge my anger and self-hatred are sin and I don’t want to hold on to them anymore; cleanse me from my sin.
  • Jesus, I invite You to go to the places in my heart where I felt rejected, not loved, or accepted and pour in Your healing.
  • God, I ask You to place the precious blood of Jesus between me and the emotion of the moment when I first chose to die; I ask that it no longer be a trigger for me to desire death.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ whom I serve, I renounce my desire to die; I choose life, not death. Lord, please close the spiritual death door that I opened so that it is no longer an opportunity for the enemy to use against me.
  • I ask You to deposit Your love deep within me and help me not to reject love when it is offered.
  • Thank You, Lord, for Your freedom.

Forgive God - When you blame God: 

  • Father God, I repent and ask You to forgive me for blaming You for ___.
  • I confess that I have sinned against You by believing that You did something wrong and holding it against You. God, I forgive You for what I believe You did that was wrong. I acknowledge that You do not make mistakes, but that I don’t always understand; please forgive me.
  • I choose to release the blame, anger, and accusations I’ve held in my heart against You.  Jesus, I ask You to cleanse me from those sins with Your precious blood.
  • Lord, I ask You to purify my heart, heal the wounds under my blame and remove my disappointment. I ask You to fill the empty places with You.
  • Father, I ask You to remove anything else that will be a barrier between You and myself or others.
  • Thank you, God for Your forgiveness, cleansing and freedom.

Repent of Specific Sin or Behavior:

  • Father God, I confess my sin of ___ and I acknowledge that it was not just a poor choice or bad behavior on my part, but it is sin. I am sorry that I offended You and sinned against You, myself, and others; please forgive me for every way that I am guilty.
  • I repent for the pain and trouble I have caused myself and others; please forgive me.
    • If it seems there is an issue driving this sin/behavior:
      • Father, I don’t want to just stop ___, I want to go to the root or reason it began so the need for producing this ungodly fruit in my life can be dealt with and stopped.
      • Holy Spirit, I ask You to remind me or show me in some way, where this started in my life; when was the first time I felt I wanted or needed to do this?  [Pause for a moment to “listen.”]
      • Depending on the root or cause, you may need to forgive or repent and invite Jesus into that place in you to minister healing to your pain, fear, etc.
  • God, I ask You to wash me clean with the precious blood of Jesus and place the finished work Christ on the Cross between me and my sin.  I ask for Your standard of righteousness to rise up within me and be my standard.
  • Father, I set my heart to seek You and do Your will.
  • Thank You for Your forgiveness and cleansing.

Forgive Self:

  • Father God, I haven’t been able to forgive myself for ___. I am so disappointed in my behavior and knowing I have hurt myself and others and sinned against You. I feel guilt, shame and ___.
  • I confess my sin of ___ and ask You to forgive me for every way that I am guilty.
  • Jesus, because of Your love for me, I choose to forgive myself, releasing the guilt, judgments, and condemnation against myself and allow Your forgiveness to wash over me.
    • If your issue is something you DIDN’T do:
      • God, I ask You to forgive me for not ___ when I thought or knew I should. Forgive me for every way that I failed (name of person), myself, and You.
      • I forgive and release myself from the guilt and condemnation I have put upon myself.
  • I confess that the anger and hatred I have at myself are sin; please forgive me. Jesus, I need Your help; I ask You to wash over my anger, self-hatred, disappointment and ___ with Your precious, cleansing blood and cover my shame and guilt. I receive Your cleansing and freedom.
  • Thank you, Lord.

Forgive Others:

  • Father God, I forgive [or choose to forgive] (name(s) for ___. I release him/her/them and his/her/their offenses against me; I no longer hold it against him/her/them.
  • God, if I have blamed You or anyone else in any way, I choose to release You and them and the offense I hold; forgive me for every way that I have held You or them responsible.
  • I acknowledge that my unforgiveness, anger and ___ [anything else you hold in your heart] are my sinful responses to my pain; please forgive me. Jesus, wash over my sin with Your precious blood.
  • Jesus, I ask You to minister healing to those places inside me where I was hurt and offended by (name) and nullify wrong words or accusations spoken to me or about me.
  • Lord, I need Your cleansing from my unrighteousness and that of my offender.
  • Thank you, Lord, for releasing my heart.


God’s Portable Kingdom Prayer:

Information…The idea for this blessing is because the Kingdom of God is within us once we’ve accepted Jesus; so, wherever we go, the Kingdom goes.

Before you leave home, call the demonic to attention that is over the hotel, facility, etc. where you will be meeting.  Because of the sin, defilement, etc. that has taken place in that facility and on that land, it is important to take authority over that location beforehand — and emphatically declare the Kingdom of God is portable.


In Jesus’ name, I call to attention the demonic that is over (name place/location). I want to alert you that I, child of the Most High God, in blood covenant relationship with Jesus Christ, am coming.  When I come, you get the day off. By direction of the Holy Spirit of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, I am conducting a (retreat/conference/meeting) at that location on (date), and as the leader I take spiritual authority over that place and event from the beginning to the end.  

Everywhere I go is Kingdom Turf, and that extends to every room and meeting place of the (retreat/conference/meeting) — inside and outside of the building. That means no intrusion, Kingdom Law reigns supreme, and all the defilement in people, in the building, and in the land is suspended during the time that I’m there and our (conference/retreat/meeting) is going on. I am paying rent [or have permission] to use this facility, so I have spiritual authority over that space. Because I am in Christ, Christ is in me; the Kingdom of God is portable within my spirit, and my spirit is in covenant relationship with Jesus Christ—so I have spiritual authority over that place and time. No matter what has happened in that facility or on that land, no matter what kind of heathens are there, no matter what sins have been committed or are being committed in that place — I declare that everywhere I go, and the (conference/retreat/meeting) is being held, the Kingdom of God Laws apply.  

In accordance with John 14:13-14 where my Lord and Savior said, “I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it,” I declare these things to be so — in the authority of the name of the true Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Turning Psalm 91 into a personal prayer:  

Information…Reworded from the Amplified Version. Pray this for yourself and others by changing pro-nouns as needed and/or speaking the person’s name. As with any prayer, I believe there is a greater dynamic in the spiritual realm when we speak our prayers out loud.


Father God, I thank and praise You for Your promise that as I (name others) dwell in the secret place of the Most High, I (we/or name) shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand.

I (we/or name) will say of the Lord, He is my (our/name) Refuge and my (our/name) Fortress, my (our/name) God; on Him I (we/name) lean and rely, and in Him I (we/name) confidently trust!
For then You will deliver me (us/name) from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
Father, thank You, that then, You will cover me (us/name) with Your pinions, and under Your wings shall I (we/name) trust and find refuge; God, Your truth and Your faithfulness are a shield and a buckler for me (us/name).

I speak and declare that I (we/name) shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day.

Nor shall I (we/name) be afraid of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday.

Father, You promise that a thousand may fall at my (our/name’s) side, and ten thousand at my (our/name’s) right hand, but it shall not come near me (us/name).

And that only a spectator shall I (we/name) be [inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] as    I (we/name) witness the reward of the wicked.

And God, You say, because I (we/name) have made the Lord my (our/name’s) refuge, and the Most High my (our/name’s) dwelling place,

There shall no evil befall me (us/name), nor any plague or calamity come near my (our/name’s) tent(s).
For You, O God, will give Your angels [especial] charge over me (us/name) to accomplish and defend and preserve me (us/name) in all my (our/name’s) ways of obedience and service.

Lord, You say that the angels shall bear me (us/name) up on their hands, lest I (we/name) dash my (our/name) foot against a stone.

God, You say that I (we/name) shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall I (we/name) trample underfoot.

And because I (we/name) set my (our/name) love upon You, therefore You will deliver me (us/name); You will set me (us/name) on high, because I (we/name) know(s) and understand Your name—I (we/name) have (has) a personal knowledge of Your mercy, love, and kindness—I (we/name) trust(s) and rely (relies) on You, knowing You will never forsake me (us/name), no, never.

Father, You say that I (we/name) shall call upon You, and You will answer me (us/name); You will be with me (us/name) in trouble, and You will deliver me (us/name) and honor me (us/name).

And with a long life will You satisfy me (us/name) and show me (us/name) Your salvation.
I declare these things to be true in the name of Jesus. Amen—so be it.

Psalm 91 For family:

Thoughts and Instruction…Knowing how to pray in specific situations is important, but often, we don’t know the best way, so we end up praying what we think is important. 1Peter 5:8 tells us – “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Eph.6:12 states our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms—so a spiritual battle must be confronted with spiritual weapons—the Word of God and prayer. Praying and standing in faith from the Word of God is spiritual warfare and powerful!  And, praying out loud is taking your heart words and beliefs, and declaring them into the spirit realm where they can be activated by our Spiritual God! Rom.4:17 - “…the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.”

I’ve reworded Psalm 91 from the Amplified Bible to use as a prayer and declaration of faith for God’s protection. I’ve added pronouns to make it as personal as possible; as you pray it, change pronouns or names to fit your situation.

Ps.91 Prayer:

Father God, I thank and praise You for the truth of Your Word and Your faithfulness to those who know and love You as God, Lord, Savior, Comforter, Protector, Strength, Provider, Healer, and so much more. I declare the Word of God over myself and family is true and is our hope in and through all situations and trials that come against us. I declare that You, God, is a loving, faithful God who will never leave us nor forsake us (Heb.13:5). Father, I thank You that Your Word never returns void and accomplishes all You sent it out to do (Isaiah 55:11); thank You, that You are not a man that You can lie (Numbers 23:19); and that You are trustworthy in every aspect of our lives – Hebrews 10:23 – “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.”

God, as I pray and declare Ps.91 over me and my family, I understand that not all of us are living with Jesus as our Savior and Lord, but as I include them in this prayer, I am doing it in agreement with Romans 4:17 that “…the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not” is a prophetic gesture and word over their lives. Included in this prayer are (names). I stand in agreement with Jesus’ words in John 6:44 – “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them…” Father, I ask that You draw their hearts to You.

Vs.1) Father, I declare and stand in agreement with Your Word that I (we)(or names) dwell(s) in the secret place of the Most High and I (we) shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty Whose power no foe can withstand.

2) I (we) will say of the Lord, You are my (our) Refuge and my (our) Fortress, my (our) God; on You I (we) lean and rely, and in You I (we) [confidently] trust!

(Note that verses 1-2 are our part—our relationship with and trust in God—the requirements to  
be able to believe and activate the remainder of the verses—God’s part.)

3) For [then] God, You will deliver me (us) from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.

4) [Then] You will cover me (us) with His pinions (NIV: feathers), and under Your wings shall I (we) trust and find refuge; Your truth and Your faithfulness are my (our) shield and my (our) buckler (NIV: rampart).

5) I (we) shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow [the evil plots and slanders of the wicked] that flies by day,

6) nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday.

7) Father, I thank You that Your word says, and I declare in agreement with Your word, that a thousand may fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand, but it shall not come near us.

8) Only a spectator shall I (we) be [inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] as I (we) witness the reward of the wicked.

9) Because I (we) have made You, the Lord, my (our) refuge, and the Most High my (our) dwelling place,

10) there shall no evil befall me (us), nor any plague or calamity come near my (our) tent.

11) For God, You will give Your angels [especial] charge over me (us) to accompany and defend and preserve me (us) in all my (our) ways [of obedience and service],

12) they [God’s angels with especial charge over us] shall bear me (us) up on their hands, lest I (we) dash our foot against a stone.

13) Father, Your Word says and I declare, I (we) shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall I (we) trample underfoot.

14) Lord, You said because I (we) have set my (our) love on You, therefore You will deliver me (us); You will set me (us) on high because I (we) know and understand Your name; I (we) have a personal knowledge of Your mercy, love, and kindness—I (we) trust and rely on You, knowing You will never forsake me (us), no, never.

15) And God, You said, I (we) shall call upon You, and You will answer me (us); You will be with me (us) in trouble, You will deliver me (us) and honor me (us).

16) And with long life will You satisfy me (us) and show me (us) Your salvation.
I pray and declare the Word of the Lord is true through the power of Jesus’ name and His precious blood that redeems us and sets us free, and in the name of our God who is always faithful to His children, Amen.

Daily Prayer to Repent, Cleanse, Sanctify, and Synchronize date:  

Thoughts…We all have a history FAR greater than our personal timeline – it’s every generation and all the people within those generations in your family lines (father/mother–biological and adoptive, marriage) since Adam and Eve. Just as we are born sinners because of Adam and Eve’s sin, we are also born into the sin-line of our ancestors – their sins and curses become ours, whether or not we actively participate in the same sins. This repentance list is from my generational issues – add your own and eliminate those that don’t apply to you or your generational lines.

God requires REPENTANCE of our sins, rebellion, and iniquities. To break the generational cycle in your ancestral line and its influence in your life, GOD HONORS YOUR REPENTANCE on behalf of your ancestors.

God designed blessings and treasures into each day that are specific to each of us, but our sins, rebellion, and iniquities have caused that date to be defiled and out of sync with God’s plans – thus, we have blocked them from being released. The following prayer is to CLEANSE & SANCTIFY (to ‘set aside as holy’) the date for which you are asking. Do it daily for that day’s date – and if you miss one – add the missed date to the current one. I’m excited to see—after I’ve completed a year’s cleansing and sanctifying—what God has in store for me and my family.

Even though you have this prayer guide to follow, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything else you need to know, then repent or forgive accordingly. Pray out loud because it puts it in the spirit realm where all things are activated. For those who understand how to go to the Courts of Heaven, that is where I start with this prayer.


Father God, on behalf of myself, and everyone in my generational lines, I ask to come into Your Heavenly Court where You preside in the Great Assembly and render judgments among the gods (Ps.82:1). I come as your daughter in blood covenant relationship with Jesus Christ and confessing John 14:13-14 – that You will do whatever we ask in Jesus’ name so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

God, I ask You to open my life book and those of my family/ancestors of our sins, iniquities, and rebellion for (date). I thank You for the gift of today, (date), and for this date in all my family’s history. I thank and praise You for having a specific plan, purpose, and original design for (date) for my life and my family line, and I acknowledge that our sins, rebellion, and iniquities have defiled and hindered Your perfect design and plan for us for (date).

I accept responsibility for our sins, rebellion, and iniquities have defiled (date) through-out our history and have hindered or stopped You from doing everything You desired and planned for us on this date. We have dishonored You and this date and caused it and us to be out of alignment and sync with You, causing it to fall short of Your excellent design and plan. I acknowledge that You have not withheld anything from us because You don’t love us, but that we have caused a breach or barrier between You and us, and have hindered our ability to experience Your presence, hear Your voice, know and do Your perfect will, and from receiving and experiencing the treasures and blessings You designed into (date) for us.

God, as I forgive and repent, would You extend my prayers and Your forgiveness and judgments throughout my generations going back to Adam and Eve, and then extend the resulting freedom across my current generational lines, and then to all those who will follow – both my physical and spiritual seed.

On behalf of myself, my family and ancestors I forgive and release those who have forced or led us into sin, sinned against us, wounded and abused us, have caused trauma to us, and who have held us hostage in any way, controlled or manipulated us on (date) throughout our history; I release these offenses from my heart and ask You to filter them through the Cross of Jesus to be forgiven and cleansed by His redeeming blood, breaking every curse.

Get as specific as you need to to customize this to your family line—add your specific sins, iniquities, and rebellion, and anything else the Holy Spirit points out to you as you pray; eliminate the ones that don’t apply.

God, on behalf of myself, my family, and ancestors, I confess as sin, repent, and ask You to forgive us…

- For every way we have turned our back on You, Your Word, Your plans, and Your desires and will.
- For being lukewarm concerning our love and obedience to You.
- For our unhealthy fear of You; believing You abandoned us and aren’t trustworthy; and don’t answer prayer.
- For our unintentional and our willful pursuit of sin and darkness and turning away from You and Your way.
- For our lack of self-control; for seeking self-pleasures through addictions, food, ‘o-holic’ and avoidance behaviors, sexual sins or activities, and other sinful behaviors and actions.
- For every unholy way and means we have used to seek others’ love and Your love.
- For every way we served our own purposes and desires at the cost of others and our relationship with You.
- For allowing our fear of man to hinder or stop us from knowing or doing Your will.
- For every way we have sought comfort, healing, fulfillment, information, knowledge, direction, or power from things, people (living or deceased), or spiritual entities not of You.
- For every way we have entertained, embraced, dabbled in, worshiped, or served other gods or unholy spirits, both living or deceased—whether they are physical things, personal fantasies, or spiritual powers and principalities of any and all degrees and levels—including, but not limited to mediums, clairvoyants, psychics, tarot cards, horoscopes, palm readers, Ouija Boards, levitating, astrology, summoning and welcoming spirits (living or deceased), and every other method we used to tap into or enter the spirit-realm.
- For every way we have bowed our knees to anything other than You, both physically and spiritually.
- For every way we have exalted ourselves, others, or anything else as more important than You.
- For our hate, anger, resentment, bitterness, and our critical sinful judgments and personal vows against self, others, You, and life.
- For allowing our anger, resentment, fear, pain, and sinful judgments against self, others, You, and life to lead or launch us into sin and turn our back on You and Your Word.
- For using retaliation or vengeance on others to serve our own purposes—fueled by our hatred, anger, bitterness, resentment, rebellion, and our desire for revenge or retaliation.
- For using violent or aggressive behavior, physical force, or fear to hurt, abuse, control, or kill others.
- For every way we have hurt, misused, and abused others—whether it was financially, emotionally, mentally, medically, physically, sexually, spiritually, religiously, occult/witchcraft or other demonic means.
- For every way we have limited or murdered people—with our words, judgments, or actions.
- For our sexual sins—some are an abomination to You—that we have committed against self and others.
- For deceiving others or having a hidden agenda to manipulate or control; for purposely withholding information for our own benefit or agenda.
- For our sins, rebellion, and iniquities that have opened spiritual doors to curses and judgments against us and have opened our family line up to spirits of destruction, devouring, death, loss, grief, poverty, and perversion.

God, for all I have confessed and every other sin, rebellion, and iniquity You find in our life-books for (date), would You gather them up and take them to the Cross of Jesus Christ to be cleansed by His precious, life-giving, redeeming blood; would You cover our wounds and trauma bonds with the healing blood of Jesus so they no longer have a foothold in us, and place the blood of Jesus Christ between us and our generational sins, rebellion, and iniquities.

Thank You, Father God, for Your forgiveness. I ask, now, that You would cleanse today, (date), and every (date) in our history through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ and execute Your judgment against the enemy and all unholy covenants, destructive prophetic words, declarations and announcements, evil plans and wrong intents that have been spoken or placed against us. Please cleanse my generational lines and wash away all those defilements.

Jesus, I stand on Your word in Luke 4:18-19 and Galatians 3:13 that You came to set captives free, release the oppressed, and rescue us from the curse of the Law—and because You died for our sins, rebellion, and iniquities, and rose from the grave in resurrection power and victory over Satan—God, I ask You to place the blood of Jesus Christ between us and the spiritual reaping that work against us because of our sins, rebellion, and iniquities; I ask You to also cover and sever those generational trauma bonds that hold us hostage and keep us connected to events, people, time, and land. God, as they are taken to the Cross of Jesus, I ask You to cleanse us from those defilements.  

God, because You have now forgiven and cleansed today and every (date) in our family history, in Your sovereign way, I ask You to sanctify (date) in my life and in our family line and ministry, re-setting and establishing it, once again, for Your purposes, restoring it to Your original design and plan. I ask You to synchronize me and my family line and ministry with Your divine time and plan for (date) and cause it and us to be anchored in You; bring us into alignment with You and our spiritual design, destiny, birthright, and office. Would You, please, close the spiritual doors we have opened because of our sins, rebellion, and iniquities.

You tell us in Jer. 29:11 that You have plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Father God, would You, please, release Your plans, treasures, blessings, and resources You desired and designed specifically for me, my family line, and ministry for (date) and lead us in using those treasures to bless others and advance Your Kingdom through our use of them. I ask You to restore to me, my family line and ministry with Your divine interest, all that the enemy has stolen from us on (date). My desire and prayer are that You will be honored and celebrated in my life, my family, and ministry—today and every (date) in our future.

Father God, I ask these things of You, the God who is never out of alignment and created all things in a perfect way, and Who sits and judges in the Great Assembly in the Heavens, and through the name and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King. Amen and Amen.

Note: For those who are D.I.D. or SRA, or have specific generational covenants against you, or generational or personal witchcraft/occult or Masonic involvement, you will have to do deeper, personal, spiritual healing work, but these confessions should help open some of those doors for you. I send you blessings of healing and wholeness in your journey to freedom – it’s a marathon, not a sprint!


One of the most powerful ways to pray for someone is to pray the Word of God into their life. These prayers are scriptures that are reworded to insert a name or pronoun to pray them for yourself or others. So many times, we pray what WE think a person needs. Why not pray the Word of God and let the Lord move in their lives?! I challenge you to pray one or two of these scriptures daily for yourself or someone else for at least a month and watch to see how God will move in that person's life. Select the ones that seem most appropriate for the person you are going to pray for.

Colossians 1:9-12:

Father God, I ask you to fill (name) (me) with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  And I pray that (he/she) (I) may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please You in every way; I ask that (name) (I) may bear fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, that (he/she) (I) may be strengthened with all power according to Your glorious might so that (he/she) (I) may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully give thanks to the Father, who has qualified (him/her) (me) to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. God, I thank You that You have rescued (name) (me) from the dominion of darkness and brought (him/her) (me) into the kingdom of the Son You love, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ephesians 3:16-20:

Father God, I pray that out of Your glorious riches You may strengthen (name) (me) with power through Your Spirit in (his/her) (my) inner being, so that Christ may dwell in (name)’s (my) heart through faith. And I pray that (he/she) (I), being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that (name) (I) may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.

Ephesians 1:17-19:

Father God, I ask You to give (name) (me) the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that (he/she) (I) may know Him better. I pray, also, that the eyes of (name)’s (my) heart may be enlightened in order that (he/she) (I) may know the hope to which You have called (him/her) (me), the riches of Your glorious inheritance in the saints, and Your incomparable great power for us who believe. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

2 Timothy 2:22-26:

Father God, I pray that (name) (I) will flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. I pray that (he/she) (I) won’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because You know they produce quarrels. I ask that You will grant (name) (me) repentance leading (him/her) (me) to a knowledge of the truth, and that (he/she) (I) will come to (his/her) (my) senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken (him/her) (me) captive to do his will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Psalm 143:8-10:

Father God, I pray that the morning will bring (name) (me) word of Your unfailing love, for (he/she)(I) has/have put (his/her) (my) trust in You. Show (name) (me) the way (he/she) (I) should go, and to You may (he/she) (I) lift up (his/her) (my) soul. Rescue (name) (me) from (his/her) (my) enemies, O Lord, and may (he/she) (I) hide (himself/herself) (myself) in You. Teach (name) (me) to do Your will, for You are (his/her) (my) God; may Your good Spirit lead (name) (me) on level ground. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I Peter 2:5:

Father God, I pray that (name) (I) will be like a living stone, being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Philippians 1:9-11:

Father God, I pray that (name)’s (my) love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that (he/she) (I) may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ. I pray that (name) (I) will be filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Womb Healing Prayer:  

Father God, 
Thank You for (insert name)’s precious life. By Your will and Your plan, he/she exists. He/she is Your perfect design and creation. Jesus, I thank and praise You, because You are ___’s Healer. Lord, I ask You to ___ back to the moment of conception in his/her mother’s body.      

We invite you into ___’s experience in the fallopian tube, uterine wall, womb, and delivery. Minister to ___ through his/her experiences as he/she grew from the single cell of the zygote to blastocyst, to becoming an embryo, then a fetus.  

Lord Jesus, I ask You to remove all defilement, fear, shame, sin, and trauma that attached to ___ as he/she was being conceived. Jesus, You are the Light, and when You arrive, darkness flees. We invite You into the darkness of ___’s womb experiences to bring light.

Lord, I ask You to progress forward through ___’s time in the womb. Bring light to painful experiences. Restore hope where it was lost, and peace where there was unrest and turmoil.  Restore trust where it was broken or destroyed. Put Your light where there is darkness.

Holy Spirit, I ask You to remove all trauma experienced in the womb or passed down through ___’s generations. I ask that You brood over ___’s original DNA and restore all vibrations, frequencies, tones and colors within him/her and remove anything that is not of You.

Lord Jesus, I ask that You would sever all fear bonds, trauma bonds, and all unhealthy and unholy 
soul ties that have been created through trauma.

Cleanse ___ from any sin of his/her birth parents that has affected him/her or attached to him/her; disconnect and remove all trauma, shame, or fear that belonged to his/her mother and from anyone else who had influence in his/her life.

I ask You to heal his/her wounds of rejection or abandonment and every way that he/she felt not welcomed. Bring Your truth to all self-lies. Replace mourning and loss, and disappointment with joy for life and joy for living. Thank you, Father. 

Forgiveness and Healing for Sexual Abuse:    

Thoughts…Remember, forgiveness is a matter of your heart [wanting it to be in right-standing with God], and not about the sin or offense of the other person. 
Two ways to forgive:

1) Willingly—Because you want to forgive, understanding God says in Matt.6:14-15 that if we forgive others their sins, God will forgive our sins.

2) Choosing to forgive—out of obedience to God. You can pray, “Father, because I want to be obedient to You and Your Word, I choose to forgive (name).” God honors this prayer.

Prayer to forgive:

  • Father God, even though what was done to me was terrible, defiling, degrading, and demoralizing, I forgive [or choose to forgive] (name of abuser) for abusing me sexually, misusing me, violating me, and for sinning against me. I forgive him/her for not valuing me and for using me for his/her own pleasure.
  • I acknowledge, that even though I was not in the wrong in any way, I have sinful responses in my heart and life. I choose to release the anger, resentment, hatred, and everything else I’ve held in my heart against (name), and against anyone else for not protecting me. I know that if I hold onto my sinful anger, hatred, resentment, and unforgiveness, that it will only continue to hurt me.
  • I confess any anger at myself and for every way that I’ve hated myself because of this abuse; please forgive me.
  • I choose to release all my anger and hatred, resentment, unforgiveness, and self-hatred to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Lord, please wash over and through me right now with Your precious blood that cleanses and washes away sin. Please remove all defilement on and in me from my abuser and all that he/she carried.
  • Lord, I ask You to remove every wrong touch, and nullify every word spoken to me or about me that isn’t in agreement with my Father in Heaven. I ask You to remove wrong labels and names that I or someone else has put on me and remove my wrong self-beliefs that agree with those labels and names.
  • I ask You to sever all emotional, physical, and spiritual bonds that connect me to (name). Please remove the trauma within me from all that happened.
  • I choose to no longer believe I am damaged goods and that I am not valuable. I am my Father’s precious child, and I am beloved by Him.
  • Thank You, Jesus, for Your healing, cleansing, and restoration to my spirit, soul, and body. Amen.

Prayer to forgive abuse... ...physical, verbal, emotional:

Father God, I forgive [or choose to forgive] (name) for abusing me, belittling me, calling me names, making me feel like I wasn’t valuable, and for causing me emotional and physical pain. I specifically forgive him/her for ___.

  • I release everything I’ve held in my heart against (name), because I know that if I hold on to my anger, resentment, unforgiveness, and ___ [anything else you need to confess] that I am only hurting myself; please forgive me for my sinful responses to their abuse.
  • Please forgive me for my anger at myself and every way I have hated myself because of this pain.
  • I choose to release all of my anger, resentment, self-hatred, and ___ from my heart;  Jesus, I ask You to wash over and through me with Your precious blood that cleanses and washes away sin.
  • I ask You to remove every wrong touch from my body, soul, and spirit, and nullify every word my abuser or others said to me or about me; please cover the labels and names that have been assigned to me and nullify their power in my life.
  • Lord, I ask You to speak peace to the emotional turmoil and pain I have felt.
  • In the authority of the name of Jesus Christ whom I love and serve, I sever all connections and emotional bonds in my spirit, soul, and body with (abuser) because of his/her sin against me.
  • Jesus, I ask You to reach into the places in my heart that were ripped apart because of those sins against me and pour in Your healing to my brokenness.
  • Thank You, Lord, for Your healing and cleansing.


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