God's Heart For Special People

“God’s Heart for Special People” is an 11-video Blessing Ministry package created for Special Need Individuals [any age, diagnosis, mental ability] and their Parents. The videos are designed to minister wholeness and peace to the emotional needs of this hurting community through speaking blessings from God’s Word—so they are not going to speak to a specific diagnosis, but to the emotional wounding that is common for all people, and especially those who are considered Special Need.

You, as parents of Special Need children/adults, have a very stressful, tough, and emotionally trying parental 'job'. It has altered your whole life and family. And you are often overlooked as far as ministry that is effective for you. I believe the video in this package "Blessing Ministry to Hurting Parents" will minister to you and be like cleansing and refreshing water in the depths of your innermost-being.

Blessing Ministry is vastly different than prayer because verbal blessings are  directed toward the spiritual part of these precious individuals—their human spirit—the part of them that is not handicapped. Scriptural blessings minister to emotional needs, bringing peace and a sense of well-being that the average prayer doesn't do.

This video package will include 11 Videos:

  1. Introduction to “God’s Heart for Special People”
  2. Understanding Our Spiritual Design and Blessing Ministry
  3. Blessing Ministry to Hurting Parents
  4. How to Use “God’s Heart for Special People”
    • Instructions and Suggestions
  5. 7 Blessing Videos for your Special Person
    Each video will have a pdf file with the content of the video.
    Questionnaire for your request for one personalized blessing.

-   Included in the purchase of “God’s Heart for Special People” is my offer to create one additional video that will be individualized to your Special Person’s emotional needs, struggles, or specific issues.

  • You’ll be required to fill out a questionnaire to inform me of those specifics, womb experience, early life experiences, significant or traumatic events in their lives.


                 !!! IS NOW AVAILABLE !!!

                                            Go to the Store for purchase

Purchase for $95.00 USD for download

FREE Informational Video -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsPYQe0GXPcSJvT3VYwPzw


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