Spiritual Sons & Daughters

“Spiritual Sons & Daughters” is designed for men, women and teens who desire spiritual growth, healing for emotional wounds, and more freedom in their Christian journey. 

As maturing Christians, my desire for myself and you is found in Colossians 4:17. I would like us to be able to live what Paul encouraged the people in Colossae to do..."See to it that you complete the ministry you have received from the Lord." 

One of the greatest fulfillments we can experience in life and ministry is to be able to walk in our God-destiny...our birthright from God...that which He has called us to be and do. But that isn't possible until we are willing to let the Lord deal with our troublesome beliefs, judgments, ungodly heart attitudes, behaviors, etc. in our lives.

I encourage your interaction with questions and discussion.


  • Will meet a designated number of consecutive weeks for each topic.
  • Your visual presence is strongly requested in the zooms—mothers like to see the faces of her children!
  • Sessions will vary in time depending on the topic.
    • You may request the audio and lesson pdf after the sessions.
    • They are only sent to those enrolled in the sessions.
  • Class fees will be based on the number of zoom sessions per topic – $10 USD per session, per topic + $2.00 service fee.
    • Payable in full before the first session.
    • No refunds for missed sessions.
      • You may request the audio and lesson pdf for a missed session.

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                       NEW CLASS STARTING June 11:                                              RELEASING SELF-HATRED

Two week class:

  • Week 1 – Teaching – Discussion
  • Week 2 – Ministry
  • Class fee: US Dollars: $20 + $2 for PayPal service fee – per person       
  • In the womb and in childhood we are innocent victims as hurtful and damaging things happened to us, and, often at those young and tender ages, we put blame on ourselves, thinking it’s our fault, or if we were different it wouldn't be happening to us. When we have those kinds of self-beliefs, a result is to be angry with ourselves, even hating ourselves. Our body’s physical response to anger and self-hatred is that it begins to attack or fight against itself—basically, self-destructing. Remember, we are a three-part being—spirit, soul, and body—and all three are interconnected. What happens to one part of our being affects the other parts.

Self-hatred has many consequences for our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical conditions and our deepest self-beliefs. In addition to dealing with spiritual roots to autoimmune diseases, our goal is to have the Lord release trauma bonds, heal the wounds under negative self-beliefs, and ask Him to remove evil sounds and vibrations that linger in our body, soul, and spirit from hurtful and traumatic experiences. To deal with anger at self and self-hatred, obviously, is going to involve forgiving those who caused you to feel that way.

We can bring physical and health problems into our body through poor or destructive eating choices and other activities, and possibly some of them can open us up to autoimmune conditions and diseases—but our focus is going to be to deal with our spiritual issues that cause our bodies to react or attack itself. To deal with anger at self and self-hatred, obviously, is going to involve forgiving those who caused you to feel that way.


Class requirements:

  • You will need to be personally involved and interactive in the zooms – don’t register knowing you can’t be on camera a good share of the time. Some people receive better as they're walking or in some other non-thinking activity; I'm ok with that as long as you can still be on camera.


  • I feel everyone needs to be visually present for the discussions in Week 1 as I need to know some of the specific issues you need addressed in ministry for Week 2.


  • Classes will be scheduled for 2½ hours each, but this is a new teaching/ministry presentation, so be aware the time needed may be different. Part of the timing depends on how much you choose to interact—I’m hoping for much discussion to understand your needs.
  • Paid in full before the first session.
    • Class is open to Men, Women, Teens


You can Register and Pay for Back to the Beginning 101 in the Store.

REGISTER for one of the two times offered for class.

             I look forward to ministering to you!

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