Spiritual Sons & Daughters
Zoom Class: "From the Father's Hand through Birth"
This will be a version of the first two weeks of the “Back to the Beginning” class I do.
This 2 week class will deal with pre-conception enemy attacks (in the 2nd Heaven before arriving on earth) and wounds and trauma while in the womb, praying you through each trimester, then through delivery--cancelling death date assignments, breaking curses, etc.
Week one deals with the enemy’s attack against you in the second heaven (the enemy's territory) after you left the Father’s hand in eternity to be born on earth (asking the Lord to remove that wounding and trauma).
Week two will cleanse the sperm and egg, conception, the womb, and extensive healing prayers from conception through your time in the womb and birth—dealing with rejection in the womb, in utero abuse, trauma, etc. Also, cancel death date assignments, the removal of illegal covenants at birth and cleansing of your name. Then ask God to release generational treasures and blessings.
Each class is scheduled for 2½ hours.
Both time frames offered are the same class – chose the one you want – no switching after class starts.
– Schedule:
Mondays 7:00 p.m. EST – March 10 & 17, 2025 Tuesdays 1:00 p.m. EST – March 11 & 18, 2025
– Register in the Store for the time you desire. Link will be sent shortly before class begins.
– This class will be $20.00 + $2.00 service fee = $22.00 USD per person
Class Guidelines for all zoom classes:
- Your visual presence is STRONGLY REQUESTED in the zooms (but not a requirement)—as a spiritual mother, I like to see the faces of my children—and it’s MUCH easier to teach and minister to actual people, rather than to names or pictures.
- Sessions will scheduled for 2½ hours in length.
- You may request the audio and lesson pdf after the sessions.
- They are only sent to those enrolled and paid in the sessions – please don’t share.
- You may request the audio and lesson pdf after the sessions.
- Paid in full before the first session.
- No refunds for missed sessions.
- You may receive the audio and lesson pdf for a missed session.
- No refunds for missed sessions.
- Class is open to Men, Women, Teens
- Please Note: You may pay for a class knowing you can’t attend – I include your name in the prayers and blessings, so when you receive the audio, you can listen and receive personally. (Please make me aware if that’s the case.)
“Spiritual Sons & Daughters” is designed for men, women and teens who desire spiritual growth, healing for emotional wounds, and more freedom in their Christian journey.
As maturing Christians, my desire for myself and you is found in Colossians 4:17. I would like us to be able to live what Paul encouraged the people in Colossae to do..."See to it that you complete the ministry you have received from the Lord."
One of the greatest fulfillments we can experience in life and ministry is to be able to walk in our God-destiny...our birthright from God...that which He has called us to be and do. But that isn't possible until we are willing to let the Lord deal with our troublesome beliefs, judgments, ungodly heart attitudes, behaviors, etc. in our lives.
I encourage your interaction with questions and discussion.
- Will meet a designated number of consecutive weeks for each topic.
- Your visual presence is strongly requested in the zooms—mothers like to see the faces of her children!
- Sessions will vary in time depending on the topic.
- You may request the audio and lesson pdf after the sessions.
- They are only sent to those enrolled in the sessions.
- Class fees will be based on the number of zoom sessions per topic – $10 USD per session, per topic + $2.00 service fee.
- Payable in full before the first session.
- No refunds for missed sessions.
- You may request the audio and lesson pdf for a missed session.
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