God's Heart for Special People

God's Heart for Special People
God's Heart for Special People
SKU#: PROD78387
Price: $95.00

The teaching (very brief) and blessing ministry in these videos is designed to minister to the deepest part of a person's whole being - their human spirit. Whatever 'diagnosed' or undiagnosed issues go on in a person's body, those issues are in their soul realm (brain, mind, emotions) or body, not their spirit, although their human spirit can be greatly affected. It's extremely important to understand that our human spirit is NOT HANDICAPPED, so verbal blessings minister to emotional needs, sense of rejection, and other needs within individuals. The blessings speak to their truest identity and legitimacy as God created them so they will be very effective in the life of anyone (Special Need of not) who receives them. Spirit Blessings minister peace deep within a person.

One video is written and created especially for the PARENTS of Special Need individuals, and I believe it will be VERY LEGITIMIZING and HEALING for them. Those precious parents have some very specific wounds and needs that most of us as parents haven't experienced. You, PRECIOUS PARENTS, need a fresh touch from God and I believe you will receive it. 

I have an informational video on my UTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WqEewd3zfY


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