Who Knew Womb Time Could Be Wound Time?

Who Knew Womb Time Could Be Wound Time?
Who Knew Womb Time Could Be Wound Time?
SKU#: PROD78097
Price: $9.00
Book Format

Our time in the womb has a profound effect on the formation of our deepest inner self-beliefs. We are born already believing things about self, others, and life. When our womb experience was more negative than positive, it greatly affects our sense of value, identity, legitimacy, and whether we feel good about who we are and the life/family we will be born into.

This booklet will explain the reasons and hurtful experiences that cause many of our low self-esteem feelings and beliefs. The things we believe about self as we begin life, stay with us throughout life as our primary and deepest beliefs...until God heals and redeems those things that we experienced. 

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