Do You Feel Misfit? With Yourself? With Others? With God? PDF

Do You Feel Misfit? With Yourself? With Others? With God? PDF
Do You Feel Misfit? With Yourself? With Others? With God? PDF
Do You Feel Misfit? With Yourself? With Others? With God? PDF
SKU#: PROD83220
Price: $4.99


So many people feel like they don't fit-in...sometimes in life, or with others, and even with God. There are MANY reasons for those feelings and beliefs; Do You Feel Misfit? offers many reasons and examples of why we feel misfit...and explores why our time in the womb has a profound effect on our self-beliefs. We can be born feeling/believing we are not important, not loved, and not right in some way. The Bible says we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14), so why don't we feel like that? Our womb experience sets the stage for how we feel about ourself, others, and life.

You will gain an understanding of the uniqueness of our personal human spirit--how we were created by God as a spirit-being, and the significance of our human spirit.

I am pleased to offer QR Codes for the blessings and some prayers so you can not only read them, but also receive them personally from me. 


Chapter titles are...

1. Introduction

2. My Purpose for Writing This Book

3. Spiritual Laws of God

4. A Person Who Feels Like a Misfit Needs to Know that...

5. The Uniqueness of Your Human Spirit

6. Lack of Legitimacy Births Misfits

7. Dissocation

8. Going to the Roots

9. Roots and Reasons

10. More Examples of Roots and Reasons

11. Feeling Misfit with God and His Children

12. Question Why?

13. The Spiritual Realm and Your Authority

14. Ministry Through Prayers

15. Ministry Through Blessings

16. Prayers for Specific Issues

17. Effective Prayers from Scripture

18.  Blessings to Speak

19. My Prayer and Blessing for You

20. I Encourage You...

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