Back to the Beginning - Thursdays - Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2024 - 5:00 pm Eastern Time

Back to the Beginning - Thursdays - Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2024 - 5:00 pm Eastern Time
Back to the Beginning - Thursdays - Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2024 - 5:00 pm Eastern Time
SKU#: PROD78822
Price: $42.00


So many of our low self-esteem beliefs began in the womb as we experienced rejection, conflicts in birth parents and/or family, hurtful and traumatic events. Those self-rejecting beliefs last a life-time unless God intervenes with healing and transformation of those negative beliefs. 

Back to the Beginning has proven to be a powerful ministry healing tool the Lord is using to minister to those deep issues within us. Many have told me that each time they receive this ministry, the healing goes deeper. 

Back to the Beginning

Four Week Zoom Class: Prayer Ministry in these classes is EXTENSIVE!

Dates: Back to the Beginning will be scheduled 2 times each weeksame lesson in each.

  • Tuesdays – Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
  • Thursdays – Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. EST

Sessions are scheduled for 2 1/2 hours in length—occasionally goes a bit longer – depends on discussion, comments, etc.

Zoom link will be sent before first class.

Class Guidelines:

  • Your visual presence is STRONGLY REQUESTED in the zooms (but not a requirement)—as a spiritual mother, I like to see the faces of my children—and it’s MUCH easier to teach and minister to actual people, rather than to names or pictures.
  • Sessions will be at least 2½ hours in length—occasionally a bit longer depending on discussion, comments, etc.
    • I’ll send the audio and lesson pdf after the Thursday sessions.
      • They are only sent to those enrolled in the sessions – please don’t share.
  • Class fees are based on the number of zoom sessions per topic – $10 per session, per person, per topic. (So, this four-week session will be $40 USD + $2.00 to cover PayPal fees).
    • Paid in full before the first session.
    • No refunds for missed sessions.
      • You may have the audio and lesson pdf for a missed session.
  • Class is open to Men, Women, Teens
  • Please Note: You may pay for the class knowing you can’t attend – I'll include your name in the prayers and blessings, so when you receive the audio, you can listen and receive personally. (Please make me aware if that’s the case.)

Unit One: Before the Womb

  • Praying your human spirit back to heaven for restoration to God’s original design
  • Healing for second heaven attacks before conception
  • Cleansing the egg and sperm in preparation for conception
  • Cleansing for pre-conception and conception
  • Cleansing and transition to womb

Unit Two: Womb Ministry

  • Womb teaching – How mothering takes place in the womb
  • Womb healing ministry prayers and blessings – through each trimester and delivery
    • Healing from rejection and traumas in womb
  • Healing for those born cesarean section, after birth abandonment and separation Issues
  • Remove curses from date of birth and death dates and curses
  • Removal of illegal covenants at birth
  • Cleansing and sanctification of your names

Unit Three: Fatherlessness – Daddy Holes

  • Needed foundation in a child’s life
  • Life after birth
    • Abandonment
    • Neglect
    • Abuse
    • Lost Identity
  • Orphan mindset – and bastard spirit
  • How orphan mindset transfers to Father God

Unit Four: Generational Cleansing

  • Cleanse bloodlines – generational sins and iniquities
  • Cleanse timelines – sins related to God as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and more
  • Repentance and renunciation of generational sins, iniquities, and rebellion

TESTIMONIES from previous classes:

Thank you for the wonderful session today (first one). It was amazing, I had real healing. My spirit is rejoicing “I’m clean. I’m clean.”

There was a lot of stuff to deal with, but your prayers and Yeshua’s blood and His covering was with me all the way. It was very powerful. 

I feel like rejoicing. Bless you for your faithfulness, so grateful. I look forward to next week. 


Over the few weeks of engagement with you, I've really started experiencing a light of hope in my relationship with Father God - an area that has just been blocked all of my Christian life despite all my efforts and prayers for healing.


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