Do You Feel Miss... Fit? With Yourself... Others... God? (First edition)

Do You Feel Miss... Fit? With Yourself... Others... God? (First edition)
Do You Feel Miss... Fit? With Yourself... Others... God? (First edition)
SKU#: PROD78099
Price: $2.99

This book is a great resource for understanding roots and reasons under why we say what we say, do what we do, and think what we think. It explains why being a 'fruit plucker' (just stopping our unwanted sin or behavior) isn't full victory.

Wounding in life can cause us to feel we don’t fit in, are wrong in some way, or mis-fit—there are always significant reasons for those negative self-beliefs and feeling that way. You’ll learn through life examples the reasons why it’s important to go to the root of an issue for it to be fully resolved or healed; also, understanding your spiritual authority.

Included are healing prayers for you to pray for specific issues—including salvation, when we blame God, forgiving self and others, abuse, death wish, and more.

I have experienced being wounded and broken, then restored through God's healing. And I believe I am stronger for it. It's easy reading...come and enjoy!

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